Live more fully alive in Christ with a simple Rule of Life

It is possible to THRIVE in Christ in every season of life! But, for that to happen, we all have to practically prioritize some behaviors over others, like regularly spending time in God’s presence in prayer and reflecting on his word.

We need, what the church fathers and mothers called a “Rule of Life”.

By using the word “rule”, we don’t mean a regulatory behavioral term. Rather, we borrow the word from monastic traditions that suggested a rule of life to be a way of life.

Basically, it means a frame, or template for the way we live that helps point our lives in a direction as we grow - think of a vine growing up a lattice fence. The lattice allows the vine to grow upwards, off the ground, so it can stay protected and get the sunlight it needs. The same is true for a Rule of Life.

We have an opportunity to “shape the day” by orienting our day around the presence of Jesus. It really doesn’t take much. A few simple practices can change the day. 

To help us do this we have found a simple rhythm of prayer we use as a Rule of Life, or way of life.

We need a simple tool to help us abide in Christ in turbulent times. We believe this is it. 

Join us as we P.R.A.Y in the morning and practice the Examen at night. 


Why not try carving out ten minutes to pray using the P.R.A.Y. acronym below:

: Get still, and slow down your breathing. Praise God for who he is and what he’s done for you. Write down a list of things you are grateful for.

Reflect:  Read the New Testament passage from the Church-wide Bible Reading Plan and spend a few minutes reflecting on the truth in it. Are there promises to receive? Are there commands to obey? How is God getting your attention through the reading of his word?

Ask: Spend a few minutes asking God for his Kingdom to come in the things that lie ahead of you in the day. Pray for the people that come to mind, or those you have on a list. Ask God to respond to the issues currently alive in the world.

Yield: To yield means to surrender, or to give God your “yes”. Spend a few minutes surrendering to Jesus and listening to what he might want to say to you that day. This practice will make all the difference. 


At midday, maybe over your lunch break, or when you finally get your kiddo wrestled into a nap - tune into the presence of God with you and pray the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And Forgive our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For yours is the kingdom, the power,
and the glory forever.


As you lay down to go to bed, spend a few minutes praying through the prayer of Examen – a prayerful reflection which enables you to review the day gone by and to look with anticipation and motivation towards the day to come. 

Use these four simple steps to frame your time:

Replay the day in order to recognize your emotions and God’s presence with you
Rejoice in all the good things of the day
Repent of the ways in which you did not follow Jesus wholeheartedly
Resolve to live for Jesus tomorrow

Here are some tools we would recommend using to help strengthen your Rule of Life: 

*Big thanks to Pete Greig and 24/7 Prayer for the P.R.A.Y acronym, and KXC Church in London for comprising this Rule of Life.